Nolus is a tool.

Nolus is not just a's a tool!

Nolus stands out as the first Web3 leasing platform, introducing a unique twist to traditional leverage platforms. Its distinction—and the many advantages it offers—lies in the fact that your borrowed assets, remain locked until the entire lease is repaid. At first, the idea of locked assets may not seem attractive, but there's more to consider.

This innovative mechanism allows users to leverage up to 150% of their position. Compared to traditional lending protocols where users could borrow only a smaller percentage of their collateral's value, Nolus marks a significant departure. For instance, on established platforms like AAVE, loans can only reach up to 80% of the collateral, which is dangerously close to the liquidation threshold. Nolus's approach not only permits greater leverage but also significantly lowers liquidation prices by locking assets.

However, the main advantage of these lending platforms is that the assets you borrow are yours to freely use. This means you can take assets from a platform like AAVE and reinvest them into AAVE or another protocol to try and earn more. But mastering these strategies requires a solid understanding of how things work...and they typically won't let you increase your investment by 150% as effortlessly and straightforwardly as Nolus does.

Why it's Nolus time 🔆

Readers of this blog are likely not major investors but individuals who see crypto as a life-changing opportunity. Nolus offers chances to significantly expand such life-changing investments. With the market trending upward and the Bitcoin Halving approaching, now is an excellent time for bullish investments. With Nolus, a catastrophic market crash would be necessary for liquidation, a scenario I consider unlikely.

My Personal Strategy

I leverage my assets by 100% with Nolus. This strategy effectively "locks" an asset's price, providing a future investment opportunity once I've gathered enough capital. Nolus also offers options like stATOM and stOSMO (with potential for stTIA in the future), allowing me to earn staking rewards on my locked assets while I'm still waiting for the market to move. I choose to repay only when in profit, thereby reducing the risk of liquidation—a situation I've managed to avoid so far. In the event of liquidation, theoretically, I could use the capital to purchase twice the amount of the asset, albeit at the expense of my collateral. This approach is based on my continued confidence in the leased asset and could lead to a significant increase in holdings.

Considering the current market momentum, taking such risks seems justifiable, especially given the transformative potential platforms like Nolus have for personal finance in the crypto space. Just remember not to overinvest and always do your due diligence before making any investment decisions.